Do you know you get to receive a complimentary MP3 message when you sign up for a free account at
John 1:17 - For while the Law was given through Moses, grace ( unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ. Romans 6:14 - For sin shall not [any longer] exert dominion over you, since now you are not under Law [as slaves], but under grace [as subjects of God's favor and mercy].

Friday 30 September 2011

Top Ten Messages of 2011: Joseph Prince

The Top Ten of what is to me the Lion of Judah's Chart!

Ever wondered what to expect in the last days? Hear about Jesus' prediction of signs that will happen, and how they signal His imminent return for us. Beloveds, take heart in what Jesus says to you—that His protection, His glory and His goodness shall much more abound to you in these times! You shall shine as a beacon of light, causing many to find hope and salvation in Jesus!

Hear amazing Bible prophecies about the end times in this exciting message! Discover how through His divinely inspired word, God has hidden modern day events in scripture, and how He is faithful to bring to pass His promises in our lives! Surely surely, the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous!

Romans 6:14 says that "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace!" Be set free from ALL addictions, even pornography and sexual temptation, as you learn more about God's heart of grace towards you. His grace shall work in you to create not just behavior modification, but true heart transformation!
Ever wondered how 1 John 1:9 applies to believers today? Do believers still have to confess their sins in order to be forgiven? Find out the truth in this message and understand the power of the complete forgiveness we have in Christ!

Ever wondered if you are praying "hard" enough for God to hear and answer you? Does God want you to pray long, pleading prayers with your head between your knees? Find out the answers in this enlightening message on what God considers as earnest prayer. Have you ever been frustrated or depressed by situations in your life? Find out how you can overcome such sadness, grief, disappointment and discouragement, as you discover in this message how keeping Jesus as the center of our lives is God's remedy for all our earthly ills!

Beloveds, what is it you lack today? The same Jesus who fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fish is present with you even today! Come boldly into the presence of your Savior and receive ALL that you need! Weakness becomes strength, lack becomes abundance, little becomes much in the presence of Jesus!

Both Abraham and Lot were righteous in God's eyes, yet the paths they chose and the lives they led were worlds apart. One was greatly blessed in all things, while the other lived in frustration, in a place of sin and almost lost all he had. Witness how knowing you are righteous by faith will lead you to live a high life, away from compromise and sin.

"Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?" (Galatians 3:5) Are you trying to fight your way out of a challenge or trial today? Or battling an addiction or an insecurity? Stop fighting, stop trying, and simply listen! There is miracle power that comes to deliver you as you hear Jesus preached!

When we lean entirely on God's grace, Christ performs mightily in our lives! But when we go back to trying to be accepted by our performance, we fall from grace! The love, acceptance and favor you so desire is already yours today, simply because you are His child!

Click To Order

Monday 26 September 2011

Joseph Prince DVD Album: God’s Secret On Tithing (Highlights)

Have you been sowing but not reaping? Have you been tithing to your church, but without real purpose or revelation? It’s time for you, the seed of Abraham in Christ, to realise that your tithe actually testifies that Jesus is alive today. Join Joseph Prince as he unveils this seldom-taught truth and be amazed by the brilliance and generosity of your heavenly Father. Learn how tithing with revelation will not only cause blessings to flow in your own life, but also in the lives of your descendents! So get this revelation-packed album and learn the correct attitude that God wants you to have towards money.

2-DVD Album (2 sermons — approx. total duration: 3hr 3min)

Disc 1: Your Tithe Testifies That He’s Alive! (Approx. 1hr 35min)
Disc 2: God’s Best-Kept Secret On Tithing — Can You Take It? (Approx. 1hr 28min)

This ministry believes that your tithes belong to your local church. Your donations to the ministry are received as offerings to support the preaching of the Gospel of Grace.

Kah Wor's Dash presents...

The word "tithe" is in the word "rich". Tithe because you are rich. Don't tithe to be rich.

We don't have to tithe. We get to tithe. It is a privilege. Tithe with a revelation.

Strong's Concordance : 6237
asar: to take the tenth of, tithe
Original Word: עָשַׂר
Transliteration: asar
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-sar')
Short Definition: tenth
Strong's Concordance : 6238
ashar: to be or become rich
Original Word: עָשַׁר
Transliteration: ashar
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-shar')
Short Definition: rich

2 Corinthians 9:7 (KJV)

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Get a copy of this DVD album: Shepherd And Sheep — The Secret To The Abundant Life HERE!

Kah Wor's Dash is not affiliated with or sponsored by Joseph Prince or any of his related organizations. 

We do not derive any financial gain from promoting this. 

We are devoted to promoting the Grace Gospel and to gain you in Christ Jesus.

Joseph Prince DVD Album: Shepherd And Sheep — The Secret To The Abundant Life (Highlights)

The Lord is many things to a believer — Saviour, provider, healer, lover — but most of all, He wants to be your Shepherd. It is when you take your place as a sheep and rely on Jesus as your good Shepherd that the abundant life that He came to give you will become a reality. Watch as Joseph Prince delves into the dynamics of the shepherd and sheep relationship, and be amazed at all the blessings and privileges that belong to you as a sheep in Jesus’ flock!
Approx. total duration: 1hr 13min

Kah Wor's Dash presents...

Signs and wonders or miracles point to Jesus Christ as the only Beloved Son of God sent to die for our salvation.

In this DVD album, God confirmed the message that was preached:

Acts 13: 38-39
38Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:  39And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

While these scriptures were being preached, the chimes behind the speaker played by themselves!

Witness this confirming miracle for yourself!

Get a copy of this DVD album: Shepherd And Sheep — The Secret To The Abundant Life HERE!

Bible says the theme of end time message is this :  
The Lord is our Righteousness.

Please refer to highlights of the Grace Capsule sermon A01 HERE!

Kah Wor's Dash is not affiliated with or sponsored by Joseph Prince or any of his related organizations. 

We do not derive any financial gain from promoting this. 

We are devoted to promoting the Grace Gospel and to gain you in Christ Jesus.

Joseph Prince DVD Album - The Power of the Cross Highlights

Have failures in your life caused you to feel ashamed or condemned? Well, you don't have to remain this way! Jesus' finished work on the cross didn't just secure you a place in heaven. It also delivered you from darkness into light, and qualified you to enjoy God's goodness. Join Joseph Prince as he unfolds gems of truths about your right standing in Christ today through a visual study of the tabernacle and the story of David and Goliath. Internalise the revelations shared in this DVD album and begin to exercise your rights as a believer!

3-DVD Album (3 sermons — approx. total duration: 3hr 2min)

Disc 1: Out of Cursing Into Blessing — Because Of The Cross (Approx. 57min)
Disc 2: The Cross — Your Redemption From Shame And Reproach (Approx. 1 hr 3min)
Disc 3: Uncovering Your True Identity In Christ — A Visual Study Of The Tabernacle's Golden Boards (Approx. 1 hr 2min)

Kah Wor's Dash Presents....
We present herein highlights of DVD album: The Power of the Cross.
Words in box represent my own understanding and perception.

The Golden Boards of the Tabernacle speak of our Righteousness in Christ Jesus and Redemption.

Gold speaks of Righteousness or Deity.
Silver speaks of Redemption.
Wood speaks of humanity.

We (wood) are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus [2 Corinthians 5:21], redeemed by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ.  [1 Peter 1:17-19].

Why two silver sockets? One represents Jesus' Death, the other His Resurrection.

When Jesus was crucified, all His disciples were discouraged. On his Resurrection, Jesus appeared to two of His disciples on the Road to Emmaus [Luke 24]. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. Then the two disciples said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

Are you feeling discouraged? Then see Jesus in the Bible!

Get your copy of the DVD Album: The Power of the Cross  HERE!

Kah Wor's Dash is not affiliated with or sponsored by Joseph Prince or any of his related organizations. 

We do not derive any financial gain from promoting this. 

We are devoted to promoting the Grace Gospel and to gain you in Christ Jesus.

Grace Capsule: Sermon A01 Highlights

God’s amazing grace is the answer to every challenge in your life! So plug in to the gospel of grace daily and experience the victory and abundant life that is yours in Christ.
To make hearing the good news a snap for you, we present the Grace Capsule! Cool and compact, this 8GB MP3 player comes preloaded with 55 quintessential messages on the gospel of grace by Joseph Prince. That’s more than 70 hours of good news on the go!
With the Grace Capsule, you can now experience God’s love anytime, anywhere, and be strengthened in faith as you keep hearing the good news.

Kah Wor's Dash Presents....
We present herein highlights of Sermon A01 of the Grace Capsule. Words in box represent my own understanding and perception.

Israel – Bible Timeline
Israel is the Bible Timeline. The Jews are the reason the Bible is real.

The scattering of the nation of Israel was prophesied in the Old Testament.
During Jesus' earthly ministry, only the tribe of Judah and some clans of Benjamin still remained in Israel.

In A.D. 70, even Judah and the Benjamin clans were scattered.

In 1948, the Jews returned to their own land.

Israel was scattered all over the world for 3,500 years but was not assimilated. They remained uniquely Jew. God preserved them.

End Time Message
We are living in Bible end times.

The end time messages will:

  1. Dispel fear
  2. Give encouragement
  3. Remove lack

Theme: The Lord is our Righteousness.

Get a copy of the Grace capsule HERE!

The grace capsule is like a health tonic to the inner man – the spirit man!

Kah Wor's Dash is not affiliated with or sponsored by Joseph Prince or any of his related organizations. 

We do not derive any financial gain from promoting this. 

We are devoted to promoting the Grace Gospel and to gain you in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Destined to Reign Devotional

We present here sample pages of this popular bestseller to enable you to make an informed purchase decision.

In this fast-paced world where many things scream for our attention, Jesus tells us that only one thing is needful - sitting at His feet and allowing Him to minister to us through His Word.

Destined To Reign Devotional helps you do just that, with daily devotionals that will establish you firmly in the grace of God and new covenant truths. Come to know the tender heart of the Father towards you as well as the perfection of Jesus' finished work. Each devotional inspires faith while dealing with practical issues such as wisdom, healing, provision and protection.

Expect to experience the amazing love and grace of God as you feed on His Word through these devotionals, and begin to see yourself enjoying wholeness and victorious living!

A Word from The Author
(on Destined To Reign)

Find everything you need to know about the Gospel of grace in one definitive book.
If there is one book that I want to write on this side of heaven, this would be it. I believe that this book will touch you and transform you. What the Lord said to me some 10 years ago about how lives will never be radically blessed and radically transformed without the radical preaching of grace is still reverberating strongly in my heart. This book is therefore about being radically transformed by His grace and His grace alone. 
In this book, you will discover the secret of God's way to reigning effortlessly in life! Man has developed many strategies, methodologies, techniques, and tactics for achieving personal success. Let me declare to you that there is a higher way than relying on your own efforts to achieve success in life. The Bible says in Psalm 1 - Blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the ungodly. Hence, while there is some counsel in ungodly resources, there is a higher way for the believer! Why rely on self-help when you can have direct access to God's help? 
Are you ready to be radically blessed and transformed by His grace and to give up on your own efforts to have success, wholeness, and a victorious life? I believe that once you begin to take this journey of discovering His radical grace, your life will never be the same again. My friend, you are destined to reign!


Kah Wor's Dash is not affiliated with or sponsored by Joseph Prince or any of his related organizations.

Click to Buy the book.